Our Leadership Team

Meet the team that is equipping our church family to steward our mission.

Allison Anderson

Kids & Students Coordinator

  • Sunshine Seeker
  • Laughter Lover
  • Baby Whisperer

Amanda Svensk

Pastor of Kids & Students

  • Nature Lover
  • Charcuterie Addict
  • Coffee-Date-Aholic

Anna Kauffman

Staff Development Director

  • Endlessly Curious
  • Photography Fiend
  • Lover Of People

Annie-Claude Toll

Care Associate

  • Foodie
  • Outdoor Enthusiast
  • Book Worm

Bob McKenna

Pastor Of Care

  • God Sighter
  • Dog Aficionado
  • Creation Is Home

Brad Stenson

Assistant to the Facilities Director

  • Wildlife Seeker
  • B&W Movie Junkie
  • Camping Maven

Dave Brickey

Lead Pastor

  • Shepherds Heart
  • Wanderer Of Woods & Water
  • Metaphor Junkie

Dawn Wood

Adult Life Associate

  • Nature Admirer
  • Gushing Grandma
  • Treasure Gatherer

Deb Raab

Weekend Team Coordinator

  • Nature Seeker
  • Craver Of Travel
  • Ice Cream All The Days

Delaney Morfitt

Communications Assistant

  • Boba Tea Drinker
  • Nature Admirer
  • Art Devotee

Doug Stewart

Operations Director

  • Pickleball Evangelist
  • Eternal Optimist
  • Aspiring Fly-Fisherman

Hunter Fraser

Pastor Of Worship

  • Fishing Enthusiast
  • Creative To The Core
  • Coffee Addict

Jake Blood


  • Avid Hiker
  • Energy Drink Connoisseur
  • Jesus Freak

Jenn Tjepkes

Associate Pastor Of Formational Life

  • Monster Cookie Eater
  • Paddle Board Enthusiast
  • Avid Reader

Joe Jensen

Facilities Director

  • Sensitive Vikings Fan
  • Home Project Optimist
  • Dill Pickle Devotee

Kati Beasley

Pastor Of Formational Life

  • Dog Walker
  • Audio Booker
  • Curator Of Fun

Kristine Niznik

Kids & Students Assistant

  • Travel Junkie
  • Retired Coach
  • MN Wild Fanatic

Leslie Inkala

Financial & Payroll Associate

  • Chocolate Fiend
  • Creative Enthusiast
  • Introverting Is Life

Robyn Halverson

Financial Assistant

  • Super Grandma
  • Weed Remover
  • Food Indulger

Rose Larson

Pastor of Prayer Ministry & Associate Pastor Of Missional Life

  • People-People-People
  • Nature Enthusiast
  • Peacemaker

Sarah Pederson

Kids Director

  • Positivity Champion
  • Lover Of Sunshine
  • Coffee Addict

Scott Madison

Tech Director

  • Addicted To Learning
  • Lake Lover
  • Sensitive Empath

Spencer Grimes

Pastor Of Worship

  • Leftover Eater
  • Instrument Hacker
  • Bicycle Rider

Tami Madison

Kids Associate

  • Coffee Lover
  • Admirer Of Nature
  • Crafter

Tim Brant


  • Builder
  • Aviation Addict
  • Proper Prepper

Tom Johnson

Pastor Of Missional Life

  • Optimist Bent
  • Verbal To The Core
  • Birdwatcher

Tom Keefe

Students Associate

  • Desert Dweller
  • Why Guy
  • Domestic Engineer

Sam Madison


  • Introversion Specialist
  • Comic Enthusiast
  • Proud Metalhead

Governing Board

Our board of Elders exist to serve our church family through listening for God’s direction and leading our church in that direction through prayer, policy development, resource stewardship, staff and laity empowerment and by example. Elders go through an apprenticeship process of 6-12 month and are then confirmed by a vote from our church membership.

Current Board Members

  • Robin Fraser
  • Drew Pederson
    Vice Chairperson/Vice President
  • Doris Lemanski
  • Bruce Kuehl
  • Vicki Degner
  • Jerry Hibma
  • Dave Brickey

Contact Them