Yes, Ash Wednesday is still happening! Join other Maple Grove churches here at Open Door, tonight, March 5, 6:30 P.M.

Together We Practice
the Presence and
Way of Jesus.

Detether from the hurry of your everyday life with a passionate community who sees & loves individuals the way Jesus does.

You Are

At Open Door we are a deeply compassionate community of Christ followers who are committed to spiritual formation for the sake of others. We understand that life is messy, struggles exist, and grace & truth need to coexist, which is why we’re so passionate about inviting people to engage in the struggle of becoming fully alive in God. Here’s a look into the culture at Open Door.



Factories to Fields

Surrounded in our world by a hyper focus on production and outcomes, we believe the Bible invites us into a process that looks more agricultural than mechanical. We are a church family seeking to return to the ancient metaphors of the Bible and widen our imagination around a faith shaped more by the field than the factory.

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Performance to Practice

We believe that God meets us where we are, not where we wish we were or where others wish we were. That said, we are a community breaking free from a religious moral performance-oriented faith and finding freedom as a people in process who are practicing the way of Jesus in our ordinary everyday lives. So, if your life and faith is messier than you wish it was, come on in. Brokenness is welcome here!

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Fan to Follower

It’s one thing to wear the jersey and hangout in the stands cheering on your favorite team. It’s a completely different experience to be on the field. We believe Jesus’ invitation into life and freedom is found in more than being His fan but becoming His follower. In short, we believe that in order to experience the life Jesus offers, we must adopt the lifestyle of Jesus as His disciples/apprentices. We believe this invitation to enter the struggle of becoming fully alive in God is not for some, but for all.

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For God to With God

Without God’s presence in our lives our Christian walk becomes a weight we carry in our own strength and our faith is stripped of love. Simply said, The Christian life without the abiding nearness of the Presence of God, is not the life Jesus intended for us. In the words of Jesus himself, "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love." (John 15:9). Join us on the journey as we practice the Presence of God together.

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Owner to Steward

In our western world of individualism that chases dreams of success and security by our own means, what does the confession that Jesus is Lord really mean for us today? At the heart of this question is a movement deep in our hearts from viewing and living as owners of our lives to stewarding all we are and all we have for the sake of God’s Kingdom advancement on earth. We believe this movement towards surrender to Jesus as Lord is also the pathway to freedom.

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Join Us on Mission.

Whether serving locally or globally, we as a church family are committed to coming alongside the ways in which God is moving outside our church walls.

Experience How the Way of Jesus Will Impact Your Life.

We believe in the power of Jesus’ name and the impact he can have on your life. We also know that life is tricky, challenging, and sometimes, painful. Because of that, we’d like to share a few resources that reflect our ministry and will help you find hope for your life & faith.